
You will need Unity installed and the BAS SDK downloaded and opened in Unity. You can follow Unity SDK Setup to do so.

In this tutorial, we will see how to create asset bundles, packages that can be read by the game and contain assets that can be used by mods (textures, sounds, meshes, etc…).

Asset management is managed by Unity Addressables, it provides an easy way to load assets by “address”.

The first time you open the SDK, we recommend opening the asset bundle builder ThunderRoad (SDK) → Asset bundle builder and the addressable group windows Window → Asset management → Addressable -> Groups


Addressable groups

This window shows all the assets that are referenced in different groups.


By default, 6 groups are already configured.

Default, Fonts, ShadersHD, ShadersAndroid, and Shaders, are system groups that are already packed as asset bundles into the game executable. These groups should never be modified in the SDK, and are only used as a reference so Unity will not pack assets that are already available in the game (avoid duplication in memory).

The ProtoAssetsgroup is an already setup group that serves as an example for doing a mod (it contains a small dungeon, a test level, a character, a helmet, and some prototype items)

The process to create a new group and assign assets is the following:

  1. Create a new group with New → Packed assets
  2. Drag and drop your asset in the group